Walt Whitman and The Soul children of Chicago, 54th King Dinner 2023
Individual, Community, Business Sponsorship, Ads & Tickets
Individuals, community representatives and small businesses can support the Annual King Dinner through sponsorship and advertising
Sponsoring the Annual King Dinner and advertising in the dinner program puts your organziation in front of some of the most influential people and business owners in Chicagoland and beyond. It is simple and affordable. The ICDHR is a 501(c)3 organization. Sponsorships are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
Please scroll down to fill out each form below and purchase separately.
Silver Sponsor
10 dinner/concert tickets
Reserved seating at the dinner
Sponsorship mention in program
Full Page Ad
1 8x10 color, full page ad in dinner program
Half Page Ad
1 8x5 half page ad in dinner program